Operated by Mohammed V University (UM5) Rabat, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS-ICARE, Orléans) and Orléans University. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

The ’MARSU’ RISE Exchange Network is a multi-site program carried by 4 Member States (MS) partner institutions (three from the academic sector and one from the non-academic sector) and six Third Countries (TC) institutions from South America, Africa and Asia.

Atlas Mohammed V
The ATLAS-MOHAMMED V Atmospheric Research Station is operated by Mohammed V University (UM5) Rabat, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS-ICARE, Orléans) and Orléans University. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Nathalie Hayeck and Martin Bruggemann, Post-docs at CNRS-Lyon, during their secondments at Fudan University (Shanghai, China): sea-air exchange chemistry Other Secondments Hartmut Herrmann/Atlas M5 Prof Hartmut Herrmann (TROPOS, Germany) guiding students at the Atlas-UM5 Atmospheric Research Station (Ifrane,
Data from the ATLAS-MOHAMMED V Atmospheric Research Station
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The consortium participants are carefully chosen to cover a wide range of disciplines. The beneficiaries of MARSU, are specialised in aerosol measurements, in measurements techniques, in bulk phase chemistry, in surface chemistry and numerical modelling of multiphase chemistry.
The fourth Sino-European School on Atmospheric Chemistry (SESAC4)

The fourth Sino-European School on Atmospheric Chemistry (SESAC4) has addressed atmospheric chemistry basics in the 21st century as well as important current questions such as the routes for organics oxidation in the atmosphere, secondary organic aerosol formation and properties,
7th Sino-French Joint Workshop on Atmospheric Environment

Similarly to the previous workshops of the series, the emphasis of the present conference was on air quality improvement and future challenges. The meeting aims at bringing together scientists from different fields, industry and policy makers, in order to share
H2020 regional seminar – Morocco 22 January 2019

MARSU has been represented at the regional seminar on Horizon 2020 that was held on 22 January 2019 on the UEMF campus in Fes, Morocco. The meeting aimed at reinforcing the cooperation in R&I across the Mediterranean for the development
ATLAS2019 Field Campaign

A meeting dedicated to the preparation of the ATLAS2019 Field Campaign (planned for September-October 2019 at the Atlas Mountains and the Fes Region) has been held at the CNRST-Headquarter in Rabat on December 18th, 2018. Participants from different institutions have